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भुगोलमा नहराएको एउटा देश
र देशमा नहराएको एउटा गाउं
जब गाउंलेहरुका मन भित्र हराउंछ
उत्तरीय क्षितिजको पर्दा
खुलेर कहिले
हिउंका चिसा चिसा फूलहरु रुन्छन्
धुरु धुरु नरोउ भन्दै
छोंगों डांडांमा
पुर्खाका आत्माहरु भतभती पोल्दै
मलाई थहा छ
त्यता कतै हराएका छन्
अंधेरी खोलाका गीतहरु
लाटो कोसेरो झोक्रीएर
भर दिन भर रात
एउटा सानो गाउं
जहां घरहरु छन्
तर मान्छेहरु छैनन्
ए, कहां हराए
भएका घरका
नभएका जस्ता मान्छेहरु ?
ए, कहां हराए
नभएका जस्ता मान्छेका
भएको घरहरु ?
लेकाली हावा
आलु गांठो कस्ले पार्ने
अनि कस्ले सुन्ने
खरबारीको अजम्बरी व्यथाहरु
उफ! तामागी
मुटु धडकिने ढुगांहरुको
एउटा सुन्दर गाउं
तिमी सेतो छाला ओढी आउनेहरुका लागी
मात्र एउटा प्राचीन संग्रहालय नबनिदेऊ !
तिमी आफ्नो अस्तित्व बिर्सेर कहिल्यै पनि
आफैलाई जीवित लास नगनिदेऊ !

– सरुभक्त,  रचनास्थल: तामागी, २०५५

The above poem was written during a literary movement called ‘Conservation Poetry Movement’ in 2055 led by Saru Bhakta, a renowned contemporary poet in Nepalese literature.
Poets involved in this movement trekked to villages and wrote poems on the spot using natural, social and human images of the village life. They, not only, wrote poems but also recited them to the village people and organised poetry symposiums. This movement is very popular in Nepal these days.
Saru Bhakta is the pen name of Bhakta Raj Shrestha, a celebrated Nepalese novelist and poet and a winner of Madan Puraskaar, the most prestigious literary honour in Nepal, for his novel "Pagal Basti", which is considered to be a classic in Nepalese literature.

He is from Bag Bazaar, Pokhara, Nepal and started writing around 1978 AD.